Hand Soap Dispensers and Hand Drying Systems

Hand Soap Dispensers
The use of soap and warm running water is an important method for cleansing hands. A diverse washroom product range ensures a solution is offered that suits the specific needs of each customer’s hand care hygiene program. Our economical wall mounted soap dispenser units can be used in any sized public, industrial and commercial washroom. A wide range of liquid, spray & foaming soap are available.
Hand Sanitisers
Hand washing is essential in preventing the spread of illness. However when used alone, it is not enough to kill bacteria. Antibacterial hand sanitisers work quickly to destroy bacteria and are effective due to their ease of use. Cahir Hygiene's instant hand sanitiser dispenser range can be used in most types of commercial, industrial, healthcare and food manufacturing environments.
Why are paper towels better than hand dryers?
Sometimes people don't use proper technique when they wash their hands, and they arrive at the drying station with residual bacteria on their skin. A study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings shows that paper towels are more effective in removing pathogens from hands than hand dryers.