Carpet and Floor Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning
Our carpet cleaning service will restore and rejuvenate your carpets and furnishings to the best standard possible. Our professional approach ensures you will have 100% odour and grime free, clean carpets.
Floor Cleaning
At Cahir Hygiene we have built a reputation for cleaning hard surfaces. We have invested in the latest technology when it comes to floor cleaning, whether your floors are tiles, timber floors, linoleum, vinyl, laminated or marmoleum.
We also offer schools, nursing homes, crèches deep cleaning and stripping back of old varnish and resealing the old floor to make it look new again.
Please contact us to enquire about a range of products to help you maintain your own floor from eco friendly floor cleaners to mops and buckets to help reduce the amount of time spent cleaning your hard surfaced floor.
Grout Cleaning
We vacuum tiles and surfaces to remove any dirt and particles from the floor/wall. Then, we spray chemical cleaner on the grout and scrub it with a grout brush by hand. We remove soap scum and any black mould that may have built up on the grout lines. We go over the floor with a high-pressure industrial steam floor/wall machine and vacuum up the dirt. Please note not all grout lines can be restored.
It is important to have black mould removed from grout Lines on a regular basis as it poses it a health risk.